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Resistance inducers

Stefano Di Pietro • 15 febbraio 2021
In the recent years there has been an increase in the use of resistance inducers and biostimulants,  thanks to the discovery of significant benefits. These are solutions that are given to plants, respecting the typical needs of each type of cultivation and that are able to help them protect themselves from threats, stress and facilitate the activation of immune and defensive responses against parasites.
Furthermore, these are treatments that have no contraindications on crops, on the contrary, they ensure strong and healthy plants capable of giving healthy, genuine fruits and beautiful flowers. Furthermore, the use of biostimulants has proven to be so effective in helping plants activate their natural defenses that it significantly reduces the use of drugs and other chemicals that could have other unwanted effects.

The types of biostimulants and resistance inducers available on the market

The biostimulants usually used are of 2 types: the first is a real mineral fertilizer, while the second type consists of substances that stimulate an immune reaction in plants, in a very similar way to what happens with our vaccines.
Plants have a wide range of immune responses to stress, parasites and diseases which can however atrophy if they are not activated: training plants with fake threats therefore allows to keep the immune defenses always high and strong.
In some cases it is possible to administer treatments with the function of nourishing and protecting: some mineral fertilizers are in fact produced in such a way as to immediately activate a systemic response.

Useful solutions to be used with caution

The management of resistance inducers in plants is certainly a natural and effective solution to defend crops from various threats, which however requires experience and particular attention. It is important to respect the growth times of the plants, the characteristics of the crops and the real presence of a threat to their health: for this it is necessary to follow the indications of professionals in the sector, buy quality products and carefully follow the doses indicated for the application.
An unconscious or excessive use of mineral fertilizers and activators of immune responses can in fact have opposite effects, fatigue the plants or put them in a position of risk of disabling the defenses when they are most needed.
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